2016 january - june 26.6, 20:00, Elisabeth-Kirche, Invalidenstr. 3 Hans Werner Henzes zum 90 With ensemble Unitedberlin Music of Hakenberg, Glanert, Meijering, Henze 19.6, 15:30, Offener Garten, Kruppstr. 16 "Klangvoll" Concert/Installation Biliana Voutchkova - violine/voice Mazen Kerbaj - trumpet/electronics 16.6, 21:00, Zionskirche @ Zionskirchplatz With Andreas Paolo Perger - concert guitar 13.6, 20:00, Toolbox Gallerie, Koloniestraße 120 With Markus Pesonen - guitar, Janne Tuomi - drums Harri Sjöström - soprano & sopranino saxophone 11.6, 18:00, KINDL - Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Am Sudhaus 2 Unmöglichkeit IV – Revue With Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop and Rashad Becker 5.6, Centro Sociale, Sternstr. 2, Hamburg Blurred Edges Festival 2016 - Frequenzgänge - Modulationen I Phil Minton & Audrey Chen, voice Biliana Voutchkova, violin/voice, David Stackenas, guitar Gunnar Lettow, prp. e-bass/elctronics/objects 28.5, 21:00, MuseRuole Festival, Bolzano Three solos - Biliana Voutchkova, Guro Skumsnes Moe, Valentina Vuksic 26.5, 21:00, First Studio BNR, bul. Dragan Tzankov 4, Sofia Alarma Punk Jazz Fest, concert with Iva Bittova 22.5, 20:30, Dirk Bell Studio, Uferhallen Wedding, Uferstr. 8 GRAPESHADE sound/movement In interaction with Dirk Bell's sculpture "FREE" 15.5, 20:00, Spektrum, Bürknerstraße 12, CANCELED!!!! With Sabien Vogel - flutes, Luigi Marino - percussion 13.5, 16:00, Musikakademie Rheinsberg Eröffnungskonzert der Pfingstwerkstatt With ensemble Unitedberlin, music of Iannotta, Kim, Zapf 10.5, 20:30, Unerhörte Musik, BKA Theater, Mehringdamm 34 With ensemble Jungemusik Music of Goldmann, Zapf, Holz, Pritchard, Hoyer and more 8.5, 17:00, Lichtburg Filmpalast Oberhausen "Lightning Composition Nr. 1" showing at the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen 24.4, 20:00, Intersonanzen Festival With ensemble Jungemusik Music of Goldmann, Zapf, Iranyi, Mex and more 21.4, 20:30, Spud Bencer, Gubenerstr. 41 Finissage for "The nude moves" Duet with Ingo Reulecke, dance 24.3, 20:00, Konzerthaus Berlin, Gendarmenmarkt With ensemble Unitedberlin, music of Bedrossian, Jodlowski, Adams 16.3, 20:00 studioboerne45, Börnestr. 45 Concepts of Doing Trio: Biliana Voutchkova - violin Antonis Anissegos - piano, Alexander Frangenheim - doublebass Duo: Theo Nabicht - contrabassclarinet, Olaf Rupp - guitar 25.2, 20:00, Konzerthaus Berlin, Gendarmenmarkt Festival Frankreich im Konzerthaus Berlin With ensemble Unitedberlin, music of Lévy, Mantovani, Boulez 20.2, 19:00, Alpha Nova-kulturwerkstatt & Galerie Futura, am Flutgraben 3 BURNING WORDS Intsallation - performance by/with Lisskulla Moltke-Hoff - video installation, Biliana Voutchkova - violin, Mathias Bauer - bass, Ingo Reulecke - dance 17.2, 20:00, Acker Stadt Palast, Ackerstraße 169/170 Improvisations in different constellations With Ignaz Schick - turntable/electronics, Mazen Kerbaj - trumpet Georg Wissel - saxophone, Sharif Sehnaoui - guitar Alexander Frangenheim - bass 7.2, 21:00, Ausland, Lychener Str. 60 Biliana Voutckove - solo violin, Johann Bourquenez - solo piano 4.2, 20:30, Sowieso, Weisestrasse 24 Two duos: Mat Pogo - voice, electronics, Tomomi Adachi - voice/electronics Biliana Voutchkova - violin/voice, Tomomi Adachi - voice/electronics 3.2, 22:00, Radial System V, Holzmarktstr. 33 ZUHÖREN: Raum-Installation Production of Sasha Waltz & Guests 30.1, 19:00 - info below under 24.1 29.1, 21:00, Club der polnischen Versager, Ackerstr 168 first set: Grapeshade #51 second set: Irene Cortina Gonzales, Stafania Petracca, Manuela Tessi- dance Paul Dill- guitar, Friederike Wendorf - flutes 24.1, 19:00, Sonntagskonzerte, Spiegelsaal/Clärchens Ballhaus, Augustst. 24 30.1, 19:00, Concert at Schloss Britz, Alt - Britz 73 With Antonis Annisegos, music of Beethoven, Respighi, Prokofiev 23.1, 20:00, Movement/Sound/Vision, Kulthalle der PA58, Prinzenallee 58 With Maya M. Carrol & Anna-Luise Recke - dance, Liz Albee - trompet 20.1, 19:30, UT Connewitz, Wolfgang-Heinze-Straße 12a Forum Zeitgenössischer Musik Leipzig 125 Party Pieces, 125 composers/1 composition With ensemble Work in Progress 17.1, 19:00, SUIVRE, Dock 11, Kastanienallee 79 Encounter - Response, with Walli Höfinger - movement/voice 9.1, 20:00, Miss Hecker With Michael Thieke - clarinet, Korhan Erel - computer/controllers Uygur Vural - cello |
2016 july - december 21.12, 20:00, Providenc/Rhode Island Solo and duo with Laura Cetilia, cello private house concert, please write for more information VOUTCHKOVA/THIEKE DUO USA Dec.1 Los Angeles https://www.facebook.com/events/1788285441409766/ Dec. 3 San Francisco https://proartsgallery.org/event/experimental-music-voutchkovathieke-duo-john-mccowen-group/ Dec. 4 Oakland http://centerfornewmusic.com/calendar/blurred-music-sfsoundsalonseries-presents-voutchkovathieke/ Dec.5 Chicago private house concert, please write for more information Dec. 6 Chicagop http://elasticarts.org/event/michael-zerang-biliana-voutchkova-6th-december-2016/ Dec. 7 Chicago https://www.goethe.de/ins/us/en/sta/chi/ver.cfm?fuseaction=events.detail&event_id=20800597 Dec. 9 Houston http://namelesssound.org/events/2016_12_09_Voutchkova_Thieke.html Dec. 10 New York http://soupandsound.org, address available upon request, private concert Dec. 11 Boston https://www.goethe.de/ins/us/en/sta/bos/ver.cfm?fuseaction=events.detail&event_id=20858895 http://bostonmicrotonalsociety.org/index.php/upcoming-events/ Dec. 12 Washington DC http://dc-soniccircuits.org/shows/12-12-2016-rhizome-257/ Dec. 13 Baltomore http://redroom.org/alcorn-greenlief-voutchkova-and-thieke/ Dec. 14 Philadelphia http://www.bowerbird.org/newsite/events/161214/ Dec. 15 New York http://www.experimentalintermedia.org/concerts/16/Dec16.shtml Dec. 16 New York http://www.harvestworks.org/dec-16-biliana-voutchkova-michael-thieke-hans-tammen-blurred-music/ 24 - 27.11 Splitter Music Festival, WABE and Ballhaus Ost Four evenings at “Wabe” and “Ballhaus Ost” with over 80 artists revolve around music-making in large formats, based on the power of free improvisation. 19.11, 20:00, Museum der Unerhörten Dinge, Crellestr. 5-6 "Zwei Solos und sieben Duette" with Gerhard Uebele 11.11, 19.30, Wien Modern,Wiener Konzerthaus All string quartets by Dmitri Shostakovich With Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop 6.11, 20:00, Klangwerkstatt Berlin Festival für Neue Musik Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2 Voutchkova/Thieke duo Stefan Steich Clouds 8 (2012/16) version for clarinet and violin Voutchkova/Thieke Blurred Music (2016, UA) 6.11, 18:00, Tanzfabrik Kreuzberg, Möckernstr. 68 Common ground: music meets dance 1. Set: Grapeshade: Biliana Voutchkova - violin/voice, Klaus Janek - bass/electronics, Ingo Reulecke - dance/voice 2. Set: Maria Ferrara - dance, Michael Vorfeld - percussion 2.11, 20:00, Kunsthaus Rhenania, Bayenstraße 28, Köln Two solo sets by Michael Winter and Biliana Voutchkova Impro Quartett: Anna Homler, Dusica Cajlan-Wissel, Joker Nies, Matthias Kaiser TOUR SWEDEN/DENMARK Stockholm 27.10, 18:00, Lägenhetskonsert #3, private concert/address upon request With Susana Santos Silva - trumpet Lisa Ullen - piano, David Stackenäs - guitar Gothenburg 29.10, 19:00, GAS Festival, Högskolan för Scen och Musik With Zeitkratzer, music of James Tenney, John Cage, Lou Reed 26.10, 20:30, GAS Festival, Brötz Solo concert presenting the new CD release Modus of Raw Kopenhagen 25.10, 20:00, Koncertkirken, Blågards Plads 6A Voutchkova/Maraš Duo + Wendra Hill feat. Myhre/Pfeil/Eilertsen Malmö 24.10, 19:30, FRIMSYD, Östervärns Antikvariat & Bokhandel, Höstgatan 37 Voutchkova/Maraš Duo 23.10, 20:00, Kontraklang, Heimathafen Neukölln, Karl-Marx Straße 141 peärls before swïne experience & S.A.F.T. Music of Cage, Kreuser, Hartman and more 20.10, 20:00, Haus am Waldsee, Argentinische Allee 30 With Work in progress, music of Feldman and Brown 16.10, 17:00, Konzerthaus Berlin, Gendarmenmarkt ECHOLOT, with ensemble Unitedberlin 14.10, 20:30, Somatische Akademie Berlin, Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30 BODY IQ Festival, GRAPESHADE #54 6.10, 20:00, Solo with Voice, Ausland, Lychener Str. 60 Solo concert and CD release, four premieres by Malin Bång, Jacques Demierre, Tomomi Adachi and Biliana Voutchkova 5.10, 20:00, Atelier 52170, Groninger Str. 3 Two duos: Demirre/Voutchkova + Kaufmann/Marien 2.10, 20:00, First Studio BNR, bul. Dragan Tzankov 4, Sofia Alarma Punk Jazz Fest, duo with Jacques Demierre 29/30.9, 18:00+21:00, Gent Festival van Vlaanderen, Concertzaal Handelsbeurs Now I lay me down, with Solistenensemble Kaleidoscop 24/25.9, 19:00, Radial System V, Holzmarktstr. 33 DADADADAAAAA, with Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop and AMEO 23.9, 20:00, Ballhaus Ost, Pappelallee 15 Moving Music Festival, collaboration with Litó Walkey - choreography 17.9, 21:00, Mózg Festival, solo concert 16.9, 20:00, Serious Series, Uferstudios/Nr. 1, Badstr. 41a With Pedesis, and Kathrin Pechlof trio & guests UNCOOL residency concerts 8.9, 21:00, Vineria Tirano, 9.9, 21:00, Lo Spazio Poschiavo With Virginia Zaharieva - poetry, with guests Walli Höfinger - voice/performance, Cornelia Müller - piano 20.8, 20:00, Kleines Theater im Rathaus, Rathausplatz Saarbrücken Saarbrücken Sommermusik With Elisabeth Fügemann - cello, Ulrich Phillipp - bass 19.8, 19:00, Alte Feuerwache, Melchiorstr. 3, Köln With Elisabeth Fügemann - cello, Ulrich Phillipp - bass 18.8, 20:30, Acephale, Luxemburgerstr. 46, Köln Saitenspiel, with Elisabeth Fügemann - cello Vincent Royer - viola, Ulrich Phillipp - bass 22.07, 20:00, Miss Hecker TWO SOLOS, ONE DUO Biliana Voutchkova - violin/voice, Mazen Kerbaj - trumpet 21.07, 18:00, Robert Koch Institut, Nordufer 20 Vernissage Carlos Bustamante “Las flores de Roberto Koch” Voutchkova/Thieke duo 19.7, 19:00, Dock 11, Kastanienallee 79 IMPROVISATION XCHNAGE FESTIVAL PARTS - with Lina Goméz - dance 4.7, 20:00, Konzerthaus Berlin at Gendarmenmarkt With ensemble Unitedberlin, music of Michael Jarrell |