2019 january - june 28.6, 18:00, Hall Bulgaria, ul. Aksakov 1, Sofia Sofia Music Weeks festival Калейдоскоп на съвременността With Nurit Stark - violin/viola, Michael Rauter - cello Music by Xenakis, Ligeti, Saariaho, Gubaidulina, Saunders, Ablinger, Benjamin, Dillon, Schnittke, Stiebler, Ockeghem 26.6.19:00, Dock 11, Kastanienallee 79 againagain at Soundance Festival Premiere, with and by Biliana Voutchkova, Litó Walkey, Gretchen Blegen and Michael Thieke 19.6, 20:00, Konzerthaus Berlin, Gendarmenmarkt With Ensemble Unitedberlin 30 years ensemble United Berlin Music of Wenzel, Beyer, Katzer, Globokar 9.6, 20:00, Alte Druckerei Ottensen, Bahrenfelder Straße 73d, Hamburg Blurred Edges Festival Mobile + Blurred Music With Michael Thieke - clarinet 4.6, 17:00, Kunsthaus sans titre, Französische Straße 18, Potsdam Intersonanzen Festival, solo concert Music by Ablinger, Cage, Keller, Iranyi, Hacklander/Hatam, Saunders and Voutchkova 29.5, 22:00, MIA Festival, Igreja S. José Duo concert with Axel Dörner - trumpet 27.5, 22:00, 22:00, MIA Festival, Igreja S. José Solo concert with original music 23.5, 20:00, Theater Heilbronn Festival Tanz! Heilbronn Herstory I with Eva Baumann - choreography/dance 19.5, 20:00, Konzerthaus Berlin, Gendarmenmarkt Gérard Grisey „Les espaces acoustiques“ With ensemble unitedberlin and RSB Orchestra 15.5, 20:30, Tik Nord, Rigaerstr.77 Experimentik Series Trio with Michael Thieke - clarinet and Roy Carroll - electroacoustic media 9.5, 20:00, Musikstudio Ohrpheo, Jablonskistr. 15 Festival EnCounterpoints - 10 years Ohrpheo In dialogue with visual art and installations by Anett Lau 4.5, 20:00, Ballhaus Naunynstrasse, Naunynstr. 27 Looking back By and with Eurico Ferreira Mathias and Biliana Voutchkova Featuring music by Saunders, Schnittke, Gubaidulina and the two performers BLURRED MUSIC CONCERT - INSTALLATION during the Gallery Weekend Berlin 2019 April 26, 27, 28 14:00 - 19:00 Museum der Stille, Linienstraße 154A 17.4, 20:30, Ausland, Lychener Strasse 60 Biliana Voutchkova "Amati Lenta 2" solo version Zapparoli/Lorenz/Sebastian trio 16.4, 19:00, Collegium Hungaricum, Dorotheenstraße 12 Input Impro II Small group combinations with musicians from Budapest and Berlin: Tomomi Adachi, Róbert Benkő, Antonio Borghini, Chris Hill, Mazen Kerbaj, Gergő Kováts, Anna Makay, Szilárd Mezei, Andrea Parkins, Simon Rose, Ernő Zoltán Rubik, Olaf Rupp, Zsolt Sőrés, André Vida, Biliana Voutchkova, Ute Wassermann 5.4, 20:00, Petersburg Art Space, Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 101 ПЕТЯ & friends April edition Trio with Sabine Vogel - flutes and Luigi Marino - percussion 30.3, 19:30, Mózg Festival 25th Anniversary, Bydgoszcz, Poland Biliana Voutchkova solo 27.3, 20:00, FRI FROM, Trondheim, Norway Biliana Voutchkova solo Signe Emmeluth/Kresten Osgood duo USA TOUR 8.3, 7pm, Constellation, 3111 N Western Ave, Chicago, IL Olivia Block & Biliana Voutchkova, premiere work Carol Genetti & Gwyneth Zeleny Anderson, CD release 9.3, 7pm, Arts & Literature Laboratory, 2021 Winnebago St, Madison, WI Biliana Voutchkova / Michael Zerang duo 10.3, 7pm, Sugar Maple, 442 E. Lincoln Ave Milwaukee, WI Biliana Voutchkova / Michael Zerang duo 11.3, 7:30pm, Option Series at ESS, 5925 N Ravenswood Ave, Chicago, IL Biliana Voutchkova solo violin/voice Jakob Wormenbol solo drums 14.3, 8pm, Convergences, 67 West St., Brooklyn, NY Biliana Voutchkova solo 15.3, 8pm, Ibeam, 168 7th Street, Brooklyn, NY Kevin Reilly presents Biliana Voutchkova / Susan Alcorn duo 16.3, 8pm, An die Musik, 409 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD Biliana Voutchkova / Susan Alcorn duo 17.3, 8pm, Rhizome, 6950 Maple St NW, Washington DC Carl Stone, solo Biliana Voutchkova / Susan Alcorn duo 19.3, 9pm, Experimental Intermedia, 224 Centre Street, NY Biliana Voutchkova / Al Margolis aka If Bwana, solo and duo 20.3, 9pm, Areté Gallery, 67 West St., Brooklyn, NY Biliana Voutchkova / Hans Tammen duo 23/24.2, 12:00 - 16:00, Exploratorium, Mehringdamm 55 The Physicality of Sound two day workshop SOUNDTRIPS #43 Voutchkova/Thieke duo, Blurred Music tour 1.2, 20:00, Kunstmuseum, , Kortumstraße 147, Bochum Guests: Philip Zoubek - piano, Martin Blume - percussion 2.2, 20:00, Ort, Luisenstr. 116, Wuppertal Guests: Nicola Hein - guitar, Florian Walter - clarinet 3.2, 18:00, BLACK BOX im cuba, Achtermannstraße 12, Münster Guests: Etienne Nillesen - prep. snare, Constatin Herzog - bass 4.2, 20:00, Improviser Residenz, Kleine Allee 10, Moers With Emilio Gordoa - vibraphon, Lena Czerniawska - exhibition opening 5.2, 20:00, Bergerkirche, Bergerstraße 18b, Düsseldorf Guests: Emilio Gordoa - vibraphon, Nicola L. Hein - guitar 6.2, 20:00, KunstRaum Dorissa Lem, Geisselstr. 56 Hofgebäude, Köln Guests: Matthias Muche - trombone, Florian Walter - brass instruments, Carrl Ludwig Hübsch - tuba 7.2, 20:00, Kreuzung an St. Helena, Bornheimer Str. 130, Bonn Guests: Florian Stadler - accordeon, Sue Schlotte - cello 8.2, 20:00, Lokal Harmonie, Harmoniestr. 41, Duisburg Guests: Philippe Micol - bass clarinet, Georges Paul - bass 29.1, 20:30, KM28, Karl-Marx-Straße 28 With Magda Mayas - prepared piano and Miako Klein - recorders 24.1, 18:00, Structura Gallery Kuzman Shapkarev Str. 9, Sofia/BG Olaf Nicolai "In the woods there is a bird...." interactive work for sound installation and solo violin Biliana Voutchkova "Sensory territories" 19.1, 19:00, Nemtsov & Nemtsov, Witzlebenstr. 38 Blurred Music Quartet premiere Miako Klein - recorders, Biliana Voutchkova - violin Michael Thieke - clarinet, Andrew Lafkas - bass |
2019 july - december 15.12, 15:00, Delicati / Gutshof Reichenow, Neue Dorfstr. 6, Reichenow-Möglin Adventskonzert Blurred Music, Voutchkova / Thieke duo Constant Realities, Höfinger / Voutchkova duo 14.12, 21:00, Ausland, Lychener Str. 60 Biegungen im Ausland Voutchkova / Thieke duo 10.12, 20:00, Studio Rainer Spehl, Brunnenstrasse 152, 2. Hinterhof Incense of Music #44 multisensorial concert Duo with Michael Zerang - percussion Fabio Dondero and Dominik Breider - incense burning 5.12, 20:00, Exploratorium, Mehringdamm 55/Sarotti-Höfe, Aufgang C Improvisation International series With Isidora Edwards - cello, John Russell - guitar 28.11, 19:00, Musikhochschule Mannheim, Kammermusiksaal Forum Neue Musik Mix program with solo violin works by Saunders, Voutchkova and music by Corbett, Pavlotskaya, Schaff, Park and Mukai 27.11, 20:30, Au Topsi Pohl, Pohlstraße 64 Four nights with Micheal Zerang and Friends Trio set with Sabine Vogel - flutes and Michael Zerang - percussion 22/23/24.11.2019, Silent Green Kulturquartier, Gerichtstraße 35 Splitter Music Festival II - Counterbalance! Three nights of performances with the Splitter Orchestra, Skogen, The Skills and Oren Ambarchi / Will Guthrie duo AUSTRALIA, KOREA, JAPAN, TAIWAN TOUR October 22 - November 16 AUSTRALIA Melbourne, Oct. 22, 21:00 @ Make it up club, solo Canberra, Oct. 23, 19:30 @ Sound Out, duo with Clayton Thomas - bass Sydney, Oct. 24, 19:00 @ Backstage Music, Forbidden Things Solo, group pieces with Clayton Thomas and members of Ensemble Offspring Claire Edwardes - percussion, Jason Noble - clarinets Music by Ablinger, Vivier and the performers Hobart, Oct. 26, 13:00 @ MONA Museum, JAM duo with Clayton Thomas KOREA Seoul, Oct. 29, 13:00 @ Dong Ah Institute of media and arts, masterclass Seoul, Oct. 29, 20:00 @ Mudaeruk, solo/duo/quartet with Soo Jung Kae & Jared Redmond - piano, Taehun Lee - guitar JAPAN Tokyo, Oct. 30, 20:00 @ Ftarri shop, duo with Yasumune Morishige - cello Tokyo, Oct. 31, Nov. 2, 20:00 @ Goethe Institute Berlin - Tokyo Experimental Music Meeting, various group collaborations Tokyo, Nov. 1, 20:00 @ Goethe Institute Solo concert, music by Adachi, Suzuki, Matsudaira, Dillon, Saunders, Ablinger and Bang Nagoya, Nov. 3, 17:00 @ Seainx Project Solo concert, music by Imai, Dillon, Saunders, Voutchkova and Bang Kyoto, Nov. 4, 19:00 @ Soto Kyoto, solo Kobe, Nov. 5 @ Theater Jazzy, with Rabito Aromoto + guests Osaka, Nov. 6 @ T-Bone studio, solo and trio with Rabito Arimoto - trumpet/bass clarinet, Michihiro Morisada - bass Tokyo, Nov. 9 @ Sonorium, Ftarri Festival, solo Tokyo, Nov. 10, 20:30 @ Koen-dori Classics Performance/collaboration with Jun Kawasaki - bass Kenichi Takeda - electronics, Kentaro Tsuda - dance Nov. 16, 20:00 @ BUoY, Ftarri festival, Voutchkova/Thieke duo, "Blurred Music” TAIWAN / TAIPEI Nov. 13, 13:30 @ Fu Jen Catholic University (Music Department) Lecture on “Echtzeitmusik” Nov. 13, 20:00 @ HORSE Dance Theatre Primal Chaos - Dance x Sound Improvisation, duo with Jimmin Yang Nov. 14, 19:00 @ Venue, Taiwan International Improvised Music Festival Solo and trio with the International Nothing Nov. 15, 12:00 @ Taishin Bank Building Noon Concert , solo, group improvisations with Shih-Yang LEE, Hsiao-Feng LIN Nov. 15, 19:00 @ Hsing Tain Kong Library The Conversation between Traditional and Contemporary Solo, group improvisations with the International Nothing and Po-Hao TSENG 20.9 - 22.9, Theatre Project, 45 W Preston St. Baltimore/USA High Zero Festival 18.9, 20:00, NYU Waverly Labs for Music and Computinng 24 Waverly Pl, Rm 268, NYC Two duos and a quartet Duo B. Voutchkova, Leila Bordreuil - violin and cello Duo Viola Yip, Nicola L. Hein - lights and guitar Quartet all together 7.9, 16:00 - 18:00, IKOB, Rotenberg 12b, Eupen/Belgium 8.9, 11:00 - 13:00, Kulturzentrum Schlachthof/Turm, Rotenbergplatz 17, Eupen Meakusma Festival Blurred Music concert installation 6.9, 19:00, Schaubude, Greifswalders, 84 Klang der Dinge Festival Marisol Jimenez "Sensuous Matter" With Marisol Jimenez - objects and machines, Emilio Gordoa - drums and electronics, Matthias Bauer - bass DARA String Festival August 30/31.2019, Hošek Contemporary Motor Ship HEIMATLAND, Fisherinsel 3 17:00 - open sharing/audience talk with the artists 18:00, 19:30, 21:00 - concerts Curated by Biliana Voutchkova With Séverine Ballon, Isidora Edwards, Daniella Strasfogel,, Nina de Heney, Nurit Stark, Biliana Voutchkova Suture Soven Festival 23 - 25.8, Soven 5, 29451 Dannenberg Curated by Nadja Höhfeld, Kaja Draksler, Biliana Voutchkova, Vivien Buchhorn Solo concert on Aug. 23, 18:00 22.8, 20:00, Improvisierte Musik in der REH, Kopenhagener Str. 17 With Susan Alcorn - pedal steel guitar, Isidora Edwards - cello 16.8, 21:00, Sowieso, Weisestr. 24 ::Two duos:: Axel Dörner- trumpet, Brad Henkel- trumpet Miako Klein - recorders, Biliana Voutchkova - violin 27.7, 17:00, Koloveden kansallispuisto Kolovesi National Park, Kirkkoranta - Kirkkorannantie 200 Pedesis trio and Sirkka Kosonen - voice 26.7, 19:00, Savonlinnan Kulttuurikellari Olavinkatu 34, Savonlinna/Finland Pedesis trio 23.7, 19:30, Center Project Lab, Sofia 180° festival - laboratory for innovative art With Sabine Vogel - flutes, Montse Gardo - dance Florence Ruckstuhl - performance |